Oxfordshire County Public Records

Oxfordshire, England Public Record Office

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Oxfordshire History Centre St Luke’s Church Temple Road Cowley Oxford OX4 2HT

Phone Number:
01865 815 203

Fax Number:
01865 815 429

Email Address:


The records office contains both printed and unprinted materials. These are owned either by individuals or organisations so as to make them available to the general public for research purposes and also to create awareness on the history of Oxfordshire. As such abundant important information is available on the History of Oxfordshire. Majority of these are donated to the centre free of charge, however, the centre also buys some but very few materials especially new content.

Printed materials available at the centre include:

• The archives of the office contain materials from 1150 to present.
• Census records of Oxfordshire from 1841 to 1901
• Parish records from 1841 to 1901
• Records on the geographical boundaries of Oxfordshire
• Books and brochures about Oxfordshire, such as its people, occasions and places.
• Magazines
• Journals, articles and Newspapers
• Directories on trading in Oxfordshire
• Street directories
• Maps such as ordnance survey maps
Records available at the centre
• Primary records include
• Law records
• Records of families and estates
• Council and Borough records
• Parish registers from 1538 to C21
• Electoral registers
• Coroners documents
• Admission registers of schools from 1863 to C21
• Vehicle registration records
• Business records
• Photographs of renowned people, places and events in Oxfordshire.
Catalogue of different items available via the website.

Collections of images and oral recordings
• Drawings and prints done before the advent of photography
• Oral History records
• Programmes by the British Broadcasting Corporation Radio as far back as the 1970s.
• Thousands of images and different collections by renowned artists (1850 to present) such as
• Frank and Basil Parker (c.1910 to 1970)
• JW Thomas from 1946 to 1999.
Health Archives
• Health archives of Oxfordshire available in the record office include
• Patients history
• National Health Service administrative bodies
• Training of medical personnel, doctors and nurses
• National Health Service Hospitals in Oxfordshire
Copyright rules: Material at the records office is protected by copyright laws.

Access restrictions: Entry and Exit only through the Temple Road
Parking: Disabled parking also available
Access to materials: Reader’s ticket needed to view restricted or unique materials such as reference materials available in limited copies.

Other services
– Self service photocopying
– Shop and Café: The records office runs a shop where books and DVDs are sold, aswell as a café where snacks and drinks are sold.

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