Wigtownshire County Public Records

Wigtownshire, Scotland Public Record Office

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New Register House,
West Register Street,

There is limited information available for public records in the county of Wigtownshire.
Please visit www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/ for the most comprehensive collection of government records in the county of Wigtownshire.

Wigtownshire is a county in Scotland. It is located at thbe extreme south-west region of Scotland. It is divided into three districts; the peninsula, the Machers and the Moors. It also comprises of three royal burghs Wigtown, Whithorn and Stranraer. It is blessed with natural vegetation and other features especially rivers, the main river being the Cree which is 21 miles long.

The documents stored in the records office are of various categories both in printed materials and electronic form available online on the website. However, some records are restricted from direct public access especially personal and some family details. These can only be consulted with permission from the staff.

Census records 1841 to 1911
• Street name
• Place
• Road
• First name
• Surname
• Head of household
• Marital Status
• Age
• Gender
• Occupation
• Place of Birth
• Disability.

Census records 1911 till present
Civil records
Session records
Dissenting records
Legal records

Court records
• Land records
• Land ownership
• Tenants
• tenancy agreements
• Maps
• Plans.

Civil registration records from 1855 till date
• births
• marriages and
• deaths.

Arts records
Artists records
Performing Arts
Photographic series
Trade mark or trade design 1939 to 1991
Copyright records

• Railways
• Buses
• Cars
• Cabs
• Taxis
• Boat
• Ships
• Merchant ships
• Ship wreck
• Coast guard records
• Maritime history.

Parish registers before 1855
• birth (pre-1908),
• marriage (pre-1934),
• death and
• Other records.

Wills 1513 to 1925
Testaments 1513 to 1925
Probate records 1513 to 1925
Valuation rolls 1915 to present
Inheritance records

Public Registers:
• Arms and
• Bearings 1672 to 1909.

• Aerial photographs.

Catalogue entries
• Historical Buildings
• Archaeological sites
• Architecture
• Houses
• Industry
• Monuments.

Business entries
Business history records
Customs records
Pipe rolls
Port books 1565 to 1799
Labor history records

• Mines
• Mining records.

Trade records
Trade transactions

• British citizenship
• Births
• Deaths
• Marriages.

• Political
• Social
• Economic
• Cultural
• Family history
• Legal history
• Military.

Health records

Health policy 1919 to 1939
• Social policy 1919 to 1939
• Public health from 19th Century
• Epidemics
• Poor laws
• Mental health
• Children’s health
• Childcare
• Military nursing.

• Army regiments
• Army operations up to 1913
• Army operations in First and Second World War.

Supreme court records
Criminal courts since 1972
Criminal court records
Appeal cases 1875 till present
Criminal trials
Equity suits
Chancery cases
High court records

Foreign affairs
Colonial history
• Colonies
• Dependencies
• Commonwealth records
• Empire records
• Slave trade.

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